Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010


Montag, 8. Februar 2010

Hm 1 month

only 4 selfportraits.

The gorillaz-pic of me is a WIP

Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2010

Montag, 4. Januar 2010


One day I'll just draw

what one infinitely big mirror sees 

when it mirrors itself in another mirror

in an infinite room with no direct light.

Should be easy ...




... riiiight

Sonntag, 3. Januar 2010

Speaking for itself...i hope

I'm glad that pictures speak for themselves...somehow.

Even if they are supposed to be selfportraits but only the nose looks like mine,

the picture will say "hey look the nose is in the right place but the rest is not!".

Anyways. I'm glad I don't have to think of witty stuff to write because It would turn out so weird.

Samstag, 2. Januar 2010

Corel Painter is too realistic

it is...seriously

Freitag, 1. Januar 2010


It's 01.01.10 or 1110 or 10110 in binary. That would be the decimal 14 or 22

Not that it matters but January 10th will be 11010 (decimal 26).

My birthday October 10th will be 101010 which is 42 and that my friends is "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything" according to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy 

A binary-friendly year we have, I like it. 

Guess I should do a binary selfportrait